
Cloisonne Series – Metallic Look Effect Pigments COSMOS Approved

Cloisonne effect enhancing pigments impart dramatic color and varied pearlescent effects. They are available in a variety of grades that provide different degrees of luster, ranging from a soft, satiny look to high sparkle. To provide such highly intense color, each Cloisonné pigment contains an absorption colorant deposited on either a mica substrate or an interference pearl base. In grades that use an interference base, the colorant is selected to reinforce the reflection color of the interference pigment. The result is a single dramatic reflection/transmission color.

Trade Name Substrate Pigment Type
Cloisonné® Gold Mica Metallic Effect
Cloisonné® Sparkle Gold Mica Metallic Effect

*When Requesting a sample, please be sure to identify what pigment below you are requesting!







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