The Price of Beauty Doesn’t Have to Cost the Environment

The global population is becoming increasingly more aware of the effect of greenhouse gases, and moreover the sources of these gases. In an overall stance to become more environmentally conscience through responsible consumption, consumers are looking at producers to improve what is available to them. As beauty products are mostly daily use, there is [...]

2024-02-14T14:37:05-05:0024th May 2021|

We WANA Talk About Varying Origin Haircare Needs

According to the Pew Research Center, the U.S. Asian population grew 72% between 2000 and 2015 (from 11.9 million to 20.4 million), the fastest growth rate of any major racial or ethnic group. The largest groups are of Chinese, Indian and Filipino origin. Often this statistic is usually thought of as the AAPI (Asian [...]

2023-07-24T11:49:52-04:0018th August 2021|


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